Thursday, December 2, 2021

A deep dive into false ideas regarding Islam: with a focus on the Abrahamic ties



Public discourse on any subject will always be subject to misunderstandings and intentional distortions, but   when it comes to religious affairs, this is even more problematic, because religion can be intertwined with identity and culture, thus, sensitivities and emotions become involved, without the benefit of patience and deep thought.

The Qur'an (39:3)   teaches that religion is supposed to be specifically for God. It also teaches that faith should be backed by rational arguments and evidence (22:46, 46:26, 12:1, et al).

It is with those teachings in mind that we present A deep dive into false ideas regarding Islam: with a focus on the Abrahamic ties, to function as a clarification and a reference to those in particular that are associated with the Abrahamic faiths, to address wrong and often ignorant assertions made from such quarters about the religion of Islam, some of those notions having existed for centuries, but with the advent of mass communication, made much easier with the internet and social media, have the capacity to spread further and be taken as credible, simply because of marketing.  

Below, we take a look at some of the leading false ideas that are to be found in the public discourse:

Islam is for Arabs (only)

This particular assertion is made by those who can concede that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was indeed a Prophet of God yet find his message (risaalah) relevant only to the Arabs. Such an idea comes from the assertion that Muhammad was the "founder" of Islam, and that because the scripture (Qur'an) is in Arabic, it is therefore Arab-centric with no value to the wider world.

Such a view contradicts the religious teachings   as well as historical realities regarding the Muslim community globally. (ft.1)

The Qur'an refers to Muhammad as "The seal of the Prophets" (33:40), a "mercy to all nations" (21:107) as well as a Messenger "sufficient for all people" (34:28). These references should suffice in terms of how the Prophet is portrayed insofar as his potential audience. 

Moreover, the Islamic scripture speaks very eloquently on humanity's diversity as evidence of Divine power, wisdom, and as a means for mutual growth (Q 30:22, 49:13), and the Prophet to whom it was given has himself shown clearly that racism and "chosen people" concept have no place in faith. Although there are many statements made by him recorded, his words in his famous final speech (khutbat al widaa') provide a powerful message. He has stated " An Arab carries no virtue over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab over an Arab, nor a white over a black, (the only criterion being) piety."

What about Ishmael and Isaac?

Another notion widespread, in particular among Jews and Christians, is that Islam functions as a religious rebellion, generated by the feud between the sons of Abraham, itself being an extension of the feud between their respective mothers (Sarah and Hagar).

This notion is further given fuel by the fact that while Judaism (and by extension Christianity) asserts that the identity of the sacrificed son is Isaac (the progenitor of the Jews) while Islam teaches that the son here would be none other than Ishmael (the progenitor of the Arabs).

While it is true that there is a difference in the identification of the particular son (ft.2), as well as the fact that the Bible (Gen.16:12) uses disrespectful language regarding Ishmael, it should be noted that the Qur'an never does the same thing to Isaac!

Isaac is viewed with reverence by Muslims, he is given in the Qur'an as one of the carriers of the Divine message (37:112 among other places), and the invocation of peace is recited by Muslims when he is referenced. 

This is also strong proof that Islam is not a tribalistic faith, nor is it centered in Arab nationalism.

Qur'an vis-a vis Bible

Seven Quranic texts are often cited by missionaries of various denominations as proof that the Qur'an is relatively useless when it comes to matters spoken of in the Judeo-Christian dispensation. Islam does teach that God has sent forth communication and even scriptures before the advent of the Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad (see the Qur'an 2:1-5, 3:1-3, among other places), however it also teaches that the Qur'an itself functions as a clarification of matters that are present in the Judeo-Christian discourse (Q 27:76).  It also sees itself as a "guardian" insofar as preserving essential truths as conveyed in the past (Q 5:48).  It portrays itself as the "best narration" (Q 39:23) and the ultimate criteria for judgement (Q 25:1).

A summary of the cited texts is given below, along with a thorough yet succinct explanation.

[1] Q 5:43. This verse requires a simple reading of verses 41-42 which precede it. The context shows the insincerity of the party approaching Prophet Muhammad for a legal ruling. It is here a bit of sarcasm when it reads " And how do they come to you (O Muhammad) for judgement, while they possess the law, therein being God's judgement, then, they turn away after a while, and they are not of those who possess faith."

[2] Q 5:44. The "Law" possessed light and guidance. Remember that the particular aspect of "law" (here being "Taurah") that is referred to is the law of retribution, mentioned in Q 5:45 as something which appears not only in the Qur'an, but in the "law" which came before. 

[3] Q 5:46-47: "Injeel" means "Good news", being the Arabic rendering of what is called in English "Gospel". It does NOT reference an actual book, let alone the largely anonymous collections of "Gospels" that came into circulation after the time of Jesus. Jesus did not carry a book with him called "The Gospel", on the contrary, he represented and embodied that "good news". Therefore, his "followers" should conduct themselves in that light. In any case, the very next verse (5:48) tells us that now we have a scripture of Divine Origin, given to the global messenger, that safeguards the core truths that were conveyed before. It is worth mentioning here that Islam teaches that God's guidance was conveyed to peoples all over the world, not limited to a semitic context, and that we have limited information currently on the history (and even identities) of them. (Q 13:7, 40:78).

[4] Q 5:66-68. They did not, in fact, stick to Divine guidance, however, with the Qur'anic revelation to Muhammad, the chance for that guidance emerges once again. 

Modern scholarship has confirmed what has been hinted at in the Qur'an (2:79) regarding the editing process of the Bible, not only in theological points, but even in texts which seemingly are innocuous. (ft.3)

Some important examples of differences 

One must keep in mind that the Qur'an is for the benefit of all God-aware human beings (Q 2:1), and a thorough reading of its contents and language will show that its general message and application can fit in any time, place and cultural context. We have chosen below some examples to illustrate the Quranic logic vis a vis the rituals and laws that are associated with the Bible or with the faiths tied to it.

[1] Sabbath: The Bible gives two different reasons for its observance: that God "rested" after the creation of the universe (Gen.2:2) and as an act of gratitude to God for liberation (of the Jews) from Egypt (Deut.5:15). (ft.4). 

In Islam, there is no concept of God having to "rest", even as a metaphorical expression! The Qur'an says directly "God, none deserves worship except him, the self-subsisting, the eternal, slumber does not overtake him, nor does sleep." (Q 2:255). 

Thus, the theological assumptions present in the Biblical language have no equivalent in the Qur'an, thus, that assumption is rejected, and no need for Muslims to observe the Sabbath. Moreover, the other reason given, as an act of gratitude, at best, is for that immediate audience, not for all of humanity.

[2] Divorce: Allowed in the Mosaic dispensation (Deut.24:1), it is said to have been forbidden by Jesus, allowed only in cases of adultery (Matthew 19:9). If the Biblical text can be taken as authoritative, it becomes apparent that divorce was too easy and too lax in Jesus' time and insofar as his audience, so he seeks to stop the abuse of the Mosaic allowance.  

Islam, as a faith for all mankind, not only allows divorce, but it also gives us regulations on it. There's an entire chapter called "Divorce" (Soorah at Talaq, 65). This is logical, in that the bulk of mankind would not necessarily face the same issues as faced by the audience of Jesus in his time.

[3] Alcoholic Consumption:  While the Bible writers have expressed language ranging from praise of it (Psalm 104:15, Ecclesiastes 9:7) to condemnation of drunken behavior (Proverbs 20:1), nonetheless it has been generally allowed in most strands of Judaism and Christianity. 

The Qur'an, given to humanity as a guide to safety and maximum benefit, has decreed that it is totally forbidden. The Qur'an simply states that the harms of alcohol outweigh its benefit (2:219. also see 5:90)


(1) The Arab world only constitutes 20 % of Muslims globally. They are a minority in the Muslim world, the largest nation of Muslims being Indonesia, as well as half of the African continent. Moreover, "Islam" is an Arabic word which means "surrender to God", and according to the Qur'an, submission to God has been taught by the authentic prophets and teachers of the past, in both semitic and non-semitic societies. As for faith as presented in the Bible and Qur'an, refer to the paragraph "Islam: The path of Jesus and Muhammad" in the following article. Click here

(2) There are several issues present that need to be looked at. {I} The older son of Abraham, Ishmael-the progenitor of the Arabs- would be the logical son for the sacrifice. {II} While the Bible (Gen.22) certainly names Isaac (the younger son) as to be the sacrifice, it incorrectly calls him "Your only son", which, at no time, was ever the case! The Biblical wording absolutely suggests the motivations of tribal prestige, which is totally absent from the Qur'an. It is also relevant here to mention that the covenant, often spoken of by missionaries with Biblical citations, has a totally different expression than the Quranic language. In Q 2:124, we read that God tells Abraham that he will make him a leader of global impact ("Imaaman"), Abraham asks if this extends to his descendants, to which he is told "My covenant extends not to the oppressive". Thus, Islam teaches that neither tribe or bloodlines (real or imagined) carry any weight insofar as ties with God are concerned.

(3) It has been convincingly argued, for example, that Mark's Gospel was written in Rome (and not Palestine) by citing Mark 10:12, which allows a woman to seek out divorce. Such an allowance occurred under Roman law, but not in Jewish law, which is exclusively with the man! See Barton, John A HISTORY OF THE BIBLE: THE BOOK & ITS FAITHS, Penguin books, 2019, pg.297. Many authorities, similarly, have been able to detect that the famous story of the adulteress spared by Jesus with the words "let he who is sinless cast the first stone" to be a later interpolation. See Bart D.Ehram, MISQUOTING JESUS: THE STORY BEHIND WHO CHANGED THE BIBLE AND WHY, HarperSanFrancisco, New York, 2005, pp.63-66. Even the famous "Lord's prayer", the most recited supplication in Christendom, has been dismissed as wrongly attributed to Jesus later on. See John Shelby Spong BIBLICAL LITERALISM: A GENTILE HERESY. Harper One, New York, 2016, pp.135-137. This is just the tip of the iceberg. 

(4)  Genesis 2:2 is rendered as "ceased" in the JPS translation ( TANAKH THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, pg.4, New York, 1988) but has a note that allows for "rested". Robert Alter has also used the same word in his translation (THE FIVE BOOKS OF MOSES, New York, W.W.Norton &  Company, 2004, pg.20).  While this text has different understandings among Jews and Christians respectively, Islam does not allow for even this sort of language to be used. Thus, the theological importance of the Quranic text 2:255. which is famously called the verse of the throne (Ayatul Kursiyy). A brief examination of that text can be found here


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Wali Djazzique said...

@S. Wahid

But in all fairness, I feel these talks are necessary because its my mission to inform both Muslims AND Christians, because often times they are unaware just the same, - So nothing I say are assertions,. I present FACTS from both Islamic & Christian sources themselves (w references} So I don't need to make assertions. - The proof is easily in the pudding, - so call it what you will. - Whenever I study scripture & reference, I don't add any twists of my own logic of "what I believe" - So if you feel "im taking words out of context", then that's your own thing. - Thats the whole point of the Tasfeer/commentary/& reference - is to make sure I don't.

And besides, I'm NOT a man of intolerance towards peoples of other faiths (as many are) I don't only go to them just to "interact",.. I go share wisdom & to enlighten, Just as earlier figures did long ago, ( as Muhammad & Jesus did ) - even when others didn't agree. But I never force my knowledge or faith on anyone, but I make sure its valid & be done with it,. - We ALL have our own free will,. and well ALL be responsible for the knowledge we accepted and what we rejected after it was clearly revealed to us.

Although Allah/Eheyeh gave different supplemental laws for other nations;. However, ALL are still obligated to guard that which came before it, (as mentioned in surah 5:48.) - regardless if anyone feels "it applies to them" or not,... Including most Christians. - But I still have wonder,.. Do you believe we actually worship the same "Ilah?" (as written in Surah 29:46) - Because I would like to believe so.

Anonymous said...


Shamsuddin Waheed said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shamsuddin Waheed said...

@ Wali:

Regarding the time-line, we recall very well, and others as well, at both mosque locations, you are positing the same sort of rhetoric, yet still offered prayers at both mosques.

In any case, after all of that, you do go to the mosque there, more than just occasionally, to the point you reference a discussion there which caused you "concern". Are you saying that you are not joining in the salaat line these days when you go? You should realize that as an institution and congergation, the various religious views you express (as you express here) are dismissed by those you are encountering.

You wrote: " Surah 2:40-63 & 5:43-47 - which would be a major breach of His covenate. -

In verse 48,. it goes on to instruct Muslims of what they are to follow, _ as well as utilizing what came before it. - And as far as the "uncorrupted" texts you spoke of ( of the Quran) - The Quran itself debunks that assertion in 15:90-92"

Please read the article again, because the section "Qur'an vis-a vis-Bible" addresses the texts from Soorah 5 (points 1-3) that you mention here, showing that the Qur'an is NOT telling Muslims to follow the Bible.

You also write " And lastly, As for me taking Surah 15: 90-92 out of context,. I read the Tasfeer which referenced about that very scripture. -Usually when you speak of something "being made into shreds" ( into arbitrary parts as one pleases ) - and how Allah would punnish those for committing such acts,.. then that clearly constitutes a form of "corruption". - And to add to that, both of us even agreed about Uthman & the burning of the Quran which is another issue,. So its clearly within context. - Seeing it otherwise ( outside of how it was literally written ) would indeed be out of context."

You have argued that these three verses from Soorah Al Hijr (chapter 15) are evidences of Quranic corruption. That is a strange conclusion, especially when the context is read. Context begins at verse 88, speaking to those powerful classes among the disbelievers, God is stating that Muhammad the Prophet (peace be on him) functions as a warner even to them, to those who had "taking the recitation (Qur'an) by parts", i.e. by misrepresenting it out of context (which seems to keep happening, even within the body of this discussion) with an agenda in mind, or by taking a piece here and there written somewhere, tearing it up, disrespecting it and the like.

Qur'anic revelation did not end when Al-Hijr was revealed. In other words, the completion of the text came later, so how could anyone assert that these verses are a support for the notion of Quranic corruption? Such an assertion makes no sense.

Let's get back to the theological and scriptural aspects of your comments.

Shamsuddin Waheed said...

I can't seem to edit the above comment, in any case, hopefully the overall point has been shown, i.e. that the Quranic verses from both Soorah 5 and Soorah 15 have been unfortunately misprepresented.

Moreover, and arguably most importantly, Islam (submission to God's will) is something that all of the messengers and Prophets taught. The laws (for a couple of reasons that are articulated in the article) differ, but the main focus is the same, surrender to Allah's will.

Islam teaches a healthy approach to all things, and as conveyed to the Prophet via the Qur'an, a faith that is NOT centered in our egos or family lines, but rather a faith that seeks to connect us to Allah, to have an existence that is filled with healthy mentalities.

Indirectly, yesterday Khutbah has content relevant to this issue.

"Identifying Blessings"

Wali Djazzique said...


I believe i clearly explained the situation of the time period of my conversion the first 2 times I explained it to you. - Perhaps you didnt comprehend the part when I said "I didnt convert to Judaism til AFTER I left Toledo",.. That would explain why you still saw me making salat @ the mosque. ( in its original form ) so why are having such a hard time grasping that? - So all the "rhetoric" I made (you're referring to) is irrelevant. - Sure, I had my views then, But i was only becoming more conscious of the history of Judaism & Islam.

Anyways, putting all that aside,.. Perhaps now you can give your own interpretation of what YOU believe Surah 15:90-92 is referring to. And when you do, be sure to have an official source that supports your claim, ( not your personal beliefs ) This goes for Surah 5:48 as well. -When the Quran speaks of "The "Guarding" of what came before it", what do you think its referring to? ( in brief )
And also, keep in mind of the "original" practices of Islam (before turning to mecca in prayer) - as well the sabbath & others, i.e; ( Ashurah/Muharram etc. )
Im still wondering who gave anyone permission to transgress Allah's original Laws & Words? becuase I dont recall ever reading about Him ever doing so, (which is blasphemous) This is once again confirmed in surah 15.

Wali Djazzique said...

@S. Wahid

In brief, When the Quran was referring to "guarding" what came before it;.. Im sure it at least meant observing the "Ayyats' of the Bible and its Messengers & Prophets'

W. Djazzique said...

@S. Wahid,

I also needed to make one other correction from a previous discussion we had regarding the comparison of the sacred holy days Muharram & Haunnakah,... I meant to say "Yom Kippur". Which both Holydays share a the same month and significance, (as far as a time of commemoration & time of fasting / purification-). -Although not relating to each other.

Wali Djazzique said...

@Eldon & S. Wahid:

I forgot to mention: - There's a current discussion going on at this time on in a group session on FB called " "Christianity/ lslam Q&A" ( abnsat.) There was one question also raised about Hadith 6742 regarding only 70k Muslims entering into Jannah. Just thought you'd be interested in that + other various cases

W. Djazzique said...

Correction: it's Hadith #6472

Wali Djazzique said...

Quick note to Ach's.

To confirm about the shared ritual Holydays of Ashurah & Haunnakah, SEE S.B. Vol-3 Hadith .

2ndly: on a totally unrelated note: ld also recommend watching another short ideo clip of what's to come in the next two years (for the world at large.). - See "The Purge before the Mark". F-fwd to 1:50:00 to 2:05:00 to the main point

It's a reminder of a point Eldon made awhile back. - leave opinions if you wish

Wali Djazzique said...

By the way, that Hadith was 222

Eldon Orr said...

Where is the video clip "The Purge before the Mark" to be found? Thanks, Wali!

Eldon Orr said...

nevermind, I found it via google!

Wali Djazzique said...

If l may, l needed to make a correction regarding Ashurah & Haunnakah: , The correct Holyday was "Yom Kippur," not Haunnakah,... Which both Holydays share the same month & ritualistic significance according to Hadith 222. of Sahih Bukhari Vol-3 #1865

Wali djazzique said...


Jews have entered into the "High Holydays" season of the Hebrew calendar; ( the 7th month of Ethanim ) which observes Yom Kippur ( Day of Atonement & fasting ) - This time period was also observed by Muslims during Ashura & the Month Muharram according to Hadith, Vol #3 122 Book 1865 - Although Ashura fell in July this year, ( which fluctuates like Ramadan ) The original time period usually aligns with the Hebrew calendar for fasting ( as narrated ) - Ashura should always be at a fixed time period, aligning with the Jewish fasting season becouse for both faiths, it generally commemorates with the liberation of the Bani Jews after captivity from Egypt and the splitting of the Red Sea through Musa.

But we have to keep in mind that many earlier Islamic practices was changed arbitrarily to suit the customs of Arab leaders during that time ( although Muhmmad strongly advised that it be observed anyway ) - That would explain also the changes of the Quibla,.. And the original 24hr period for Duma ( sunset Fri to sunset Sat ) -

Its important for us as 'Abrahimic belivers to be more on Gods schedule and not fixing His schedule @ the time of OWN our choosing, ( the same as Christians & secularist Jews did ) - making it THIER New Year,... And "Lent" for Christians (during spring ). So we cant cling to Abrahim's cloaktail as our Progenitor and not follow his Hebrew customs,.. As he was a Hebrew himself.

Genesis 14 : 13

W. Djazzique said...

CONFIRMATION: ( For Gods appointed times )

Zachariah 14: 17-19 -

"If any of ALL PEOPLES OF THE EARTH who do not go to Jerusalem to worship "The King Almighty', ( Allah ) - They shall have NO rain, - 18 And if the Egyptian people do not go up and take part, they will have no rain. The Lord will bring on them "plagues'' - He inflicts on the nations that do not go up to celebrate the festivals of the Tabernacles. - 19 This will be the punishment for Egypt and for ALL the nations that do not go up to celebrate the Festival of the Tabernacles.

Confirmed source: - Surviving Scarcity: - "Water & the future of the Middle East'" - https//> surviving-scarcity-water-and- the future of-the-middle east

Eldon Orr said...

I find it hard to consider that, even after the return of Messiah, nations will be so stupid as to refuse to gather for worship as he directs it in restoring the Feast of Tabernacles and extending it to all people. But I suppose I should not be surprised at the depths of human ignorance and hard-headedness, seeing how faithless people have shown themselves throughout history. Still, I hope for better behavior from mankind.

W. Djazzique said...

@ Eldon.

Your absolutely correct. AII biblical revelations and practices are part of the ayyats of the 6 articles of Islam. So yes, many will be held to account ( as written ) of not gathering & observing the sacred Holydays ( As clearly mentioned in the hadith as well )
His curses of not doing so is pretty evident according to the article of drought in the mid east.

But l will say in defense of Muslims;... They CAN also be part of the ruler class on earth along with the 144k Hebrews in Rev 5:10 - being amougst ALL nations. So it's simply about ALL of us doing OUR part, (holding & guarding Allah words Q5:48 ) in both Quran AND the Bible. So it's not just a JEWISH thing,. It's a Abrahamic thing

Wali, said...


See; Revelations 5:9-10 "All nations ruling earth" with Hebrews

Shamsuddin Waheed said...

@ Wali.

If I am reading your assertion correct, you are quoting Zachariah 14 to show that Muslims (and or arabs specifically) are under Divine punishment because of "not going to Jerusalem to worship the King Almighty".

Well, I have news. Firstly, the entire earth is a place of worship. That is a teaching of Muhammad, the Prophet commissioned by God as a mercy to all humanity, the one to whom the Qur'an was sent, may Allah's peace and blessings be on him. Secondly, Muslims have been worshipping anyway in Makkah for over a thousand years, Muslims ruled Jerusalem for over a 1000 years, and worship the one and only God.

I read the paper on water scarcity ( never thought I would read a paper like that actually quoting a famous Egyptian singer in order to make a point), it points to a number of factors creating this problem, including climate change. Climate change is mostly the result of human mismanagement, worldwide, with the "developed world" having created most of the mess, for which the globe itself is suffering. Water scarcity is an issue in many places ( see, thus, I don't think it is appropriate to try to assert it's a punishment for not observing Jerusalem temple rituals.

Shamsuddin Waheed said...

@ Wali Djazzique:

I think you need to read the article afresh in order to understand the Islamic teachings. The followers of Muhammad, peace be upon him, are not obligated to observe the laws given through Moses, peace be upon him. Often the traditions ascribed to Moses and Mosaic dispensation are based on premises that are totally rejected by the Islamic guidance, such as the Sabbath (discussed at length in this very comment thread).

Thus, the idea that observation of Jewish laws are a necessary for Muslims (and citing the articles of faith in Islam as an evidence to support that notion) is simply untenable.

In terms of Muslims having the "possibility of ruling the earth along with the 144,000 Hebrews in Revelations 5", I don't think that caveat will be necessary on practical terms.

There are, according to latest stats, only about 15 million Jews globally, and reportedly 9% of African Americans identity as Hebrew Israelite.

Yet, for Muslims, by 2070, we are already predicted to be the world's largest religious population.

W. Djazzique said...

To S. Waheed

As for your 2070 prediction of the Muslim population, - i highly doubt if mankind will exist for the next 50yrs,.. - as we're very close to entering the Time of Tribulation as written in Mat 24,.. i.e.: ( the time of the "Beast system" & his coming )- As well as the false prophet ( Al -Mashid ad Djjaal) - Thats why i highly recommend watching the video I suggested to Eldon; (" The Purge Before the Mark," (on youtube;) - ffwd to 1:50:00 to 2:20 - because it all leads to that time period. - And besides; the entire event of the "Fitnah" was already predicted by Muhammed in Hadith as ive explained quite some time ago.

However, its up to you if you continue to have doubts of what was previously revealed to us, ( which Muslims were warned not to do ) - Q10:94 - Although Muslims arent obligated to follow every injunction of biblical law, however, they're still obligated to guard the "Ayyats" and what was revealed in it. Q5:48 - Q10:94 - So its on you to feel as as though "its still not necessary or practical for Muslims" to follow, which you continue to stubbornly deny.

Speaking of which,... As far as Zach 14's concerned,... It pretty much summed up of the curses,.. which is pretty evident, regardless of any doubts youre having. You seem to deny and not accept ANYTHING about the Bible and its prophecies (clearly because of pride.) - You cant refute the words of Allah no matter how ridiculous or untenable you feel it is,. - Considering its the "Bibles" idea anyway and the end result of what was already written. Although theres a drought problem in some parts of the world, all arent the most driest in the world,.. like Egypt & the Mid-East, is my point.

Anyways,,. Continuing with last day events,..
Surah 18:97 even referenced about Juj & Majuj ( "Gog & Magog", Rev 20 )- a major player in the last day events,.. - As well as the fate of those who doubt,.. ("The disbelievers") on that day. - That would probably explain why the Hadith mentions of very few Muslims entering into the next kingdom, i.e.; ( only 70,000k)... likely for unbelief" or whatever conditions as well, --- because most Muslims doubt the "Biblical" last day events anyway, in spite of hints of it being clearly alluded in both Quran & Hadith,

And as for Africans Americans identifying as HI's;.. Its not something we CHOOSE to "Identify" as, - its genetically who we ARE as a group of people. - Unfortunately, most of us are LOST & unaware of our true ID anyway - ( as Malcom X & Louis Farrakhan always stated,). Thats why were often labeled as,.. "The LOST Sheep"

Anyways, watch the the video. That way you wont be caught off gaurd in the next 2yrs.

Wali said...

@ ffwd to 1:50:00 to 2:20:00 of the video

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