Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Sunday School Discussions

 Below are videos from recent Sunday school classes, in which students posed their questions. Each video has a timeline of questions/topics posted in the comment section .

Discussion is welcome.

Q &A session part 1 sept 2020


Q & A session part 2 sept 2020 

How was religion made?



Thursday, September 10, 2020

Imaan & Tawakkul: Faith and trust in Allah's plan (FRIDAY KHUTBAH)

 A recent Friday Khutbah which explores the importance of confidence and trust in God, as a means for identifying tools for personal/social refinement, as well as identity building.

This presentation also gives a slightly different look at the famous Quranic verse 49:13 ("O Humanity! Indeed, WE have created you from a male and female, made you into groupings and tribes, so that you will know (and benefit) each other. Indeed, the most honorable of you in God's sight is those among you with the most taqwaa, indeed, Allah is knowledgeable, aware") as a text which shows diversity as being part of the Divine plan.

Imaan &Tawakkul-click here

Unity In Pandemic presentation (Q and A panel session)

 ( Recently we were part of a program called "Unity in Pandemic". In particular, I really enjoyed the panel discussion, in which Ner Temid congregation Rabbi Saford Askerlod and Rev Catherine Greg shared wonderful insights. The entire program (which included presentations by all panelists and musical performances) can be viewed here . )


The panel discussion itself can be viewed at the link below. 


Unity in pandemic panel discussion part 4 



Friday Khutbah: The trials of life as course correction

 ( Note: The following is a recent Friday prayer sermon -Khutbah- in which the Islamic concept of life's trials are examined. Thoughtful comments and discussion are welcome)

click here