" Verily, believers are only those when Allah is mentioned, their hearts are moved. And when His signs (i.e. Quranic verses) are related to them, it increases them in faith (imaanan), and upon their Sustainer they have reliance" ( Q 8:2)
During the khutbah, I mentioned in passing that I am more inclined to take the account of Moses (Prophet Musa, 'alayhis salaam) encounter with the mysterious teacher known as Khidr (a name meaning "greenish", an allusion to fresh, healthy knowledge) in metaphorical terms.
Let me clarify, metaphor does not equate fiction nor something fake. In this context, the intended meaning of my words is that there are important lessons that are being delivered to the readers by means of the account, some of which were highlighted within the khutbah itself.
While it is acknowledged by all hands that symbolic terminology exists within the texts of the Qur'an and Sunnah, disagreements naturally arise as to which texts fall under the category of clear and which are open to interpretation. The Qur'an itself speaks on this " He it is who sent down upon you (O Muhammad) The scripture, of it are verses of decisive character (Aayaatun Muhkamaat) , they are the foundational for the scripture (ummul Kitaab), and others are flexible in understanding (mutashaabihaat)...and none knows its (ultimate) explanation (Ta'weel) except Allah and those grounded in knowledge (war raasikhoona fil 'ilm): They assert "We believe in it, all of it is from Our Lord's presence" and none grasp (all of) this except those of understanding " ( Q 3:7)
The goal of Divine revelation is to give us direction, a firm foundation in both religious and worldly senses. It employs both direct and subtle means to accomplish this, and similarly delivers guidelines which are easily recognized.
Is there any precedent for symbolic interpretations of Moses and Khidr account among Ahlus Sunnah wal jamaa'ah?
The account only appears in Soorat al Kahf, a text which reports in the hadeeth literature assert provides protection from false messianic figure (Al Maseeh id Dajjal) as well as a light from week to week (the latter being the source for the practice of reading it on Fridays). Thus, it has a theological, practical and phycological importance.
While a number of thinkers and scholars within the Islamic community have, throughout the centuries, opined rather interesting allegorical interpretations, the outstanding voices within Ahlus Sunnah that shared this include figures such as Naasirudeen Al Baydawi (d. 1319 c.e.). His famous Quranic exegesis, Anwaar at tanzeel wa Asraar at-ta'weel, better known as Tasfeer Al Baydawi, in speaking on the text which introduces the account, writes "It is said that the two oceans are Moses and Khidr, Moses was ocean of outer knowledge (ilm udh dhaahir) and Khidr was knowledge of the inner ('ilmul Baatin)." ( Tafseer Al Baydawi, vol. 3, pg. 287, Beirut, Lebanon, Mu'assat Tareeekhul 'Arabi edition).
Zamakhshari, (d. 1143) in his famed commentary (Al Kashshaaf) has said similar words. " Some of the commentaries assert "Verily, the two oceans are Moses and Khidr, for the two of them were certainly two oceans of knowledge (li-annahumaa kaanaa bahrayni fil 'ilm). (Al Kashshaaf, vol.1, pg 537, Beirut, Darul Kitaab al Arabi edition). Remember that in the account, Moses, peace be upon him, had made a vow to travel to the junction of the two oceans. There, he meets Khidr, and the above exegetes have shared how they themselves embody those oceans, i.e., two types of knowledge, an allegorical image.
It is worth noting that the term "metaphor" is found within the Soorah itself, (32, 45, and 54). In 18:54, it tells us that the Qur'an employs "every (type of) metaphor" (kulli mathalin) to benefit people.
There is acceptable divergence allowed in hermeneutics, this is part of spiritual and intellectual growth. Nonetheless, I pray that this brief post allows that the confusion has been cleared up, wa billaahit Tawfeeq.
As salaam Alaikum
Dat boy he good.
Wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu Shaykh.
This is a beautiful response and explanation and I think it highlights and reinforces what I already knew, you are a great Imam.
The fact that you are willing to take the time to address what seemed to me to be a knee-jerk reaction from someone who, in all honesty, has somewhat of a language barrier and an incredibly narrow world view.
Jazakallahu khairan ya akhi wa barakallah feekum.
Asalamu alaikum.
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